Thursday, June 25, 2009

How to be a Temple Sister to Women

Even though the words 'temple sister' may be a new one for some women we have all heard the term 'being a sister', and being a temple sister is really not that different. In my previous blog, I mentioned what a temple sister was but here I wish to offer you some ways to build a temple sister connection with any woman and to go a bit deeper into why women compete with each other over men.

It took me some years to really be able to trust other women, and I can say honestly, that I only trust the women who understand what it means to be a true sister. My mother used tell me never to let my girlfriends meet my boyfriends because they would try to steal them away. So I grew to really believe this and as the law of attraction states, what you focus on expands, and I guess you can guess what happened.

Yes, most of the time, my girlfriends did indeed walk off with my boyfriend or the man I liked. The message was loud and clear, you can't trust women when it comes to men. So I began to wonder why this was so and to try to change this belief.

As I matured I began to get involved with women who seemed to be redefining their relationships with other women. I began to meet a whole new genre of women, who, like myself, wanted to heal the distrust and competition among women. They began forming a kind of sisterhood where there was an unspoken etiquette established among them. Things like if you dated someone and then stopped and one of your sisters wanted to date him, she would ask you if you were okay with that. Women were respecting each other and beginning to give their relationships with women some priority over those with men, or at least equal value.

These women began practicing truly honoring each other and bonding by accepting that being a woman was difficult enough in a "man's" world, without being competitive with each other. So we began to change our beliefs around trusting women, began to be willing to be different and to love ourselves enough to love other women too.

This world has had it set-up for women to compete for a man's attention. We are seemingly all driven by our basic need to be protected and provided for and this automatic drive definitely contributes to the feeling of needing to do anything to get a man and then to keep him. But is this really all there is? I say ‘no’ it is not.

Through my experiences with women who truly honor their women friends as sisters, women who would never intentionally hurt or betray for any reason another woman, women who actually value their friendships with women as much as their relationship with their partner, women who care about what their sisters feel and who don't feel the need to compete with them over a man, we are creating a new way of being with women.

So what is a being a temple sister?

Well, in my earlier blog I spoke to our ancient roots that came from the goddess temples over 5,000 years ago. These bonds of having shared a deep connection to the Goddess, of being in a woman's body that is in itself one of the primary reasons we are all linked as sisters, is how we can feel our deep connection with all women everywhere not only with a few intimate friends.

If you wish to change your beliefs regarding your level of trust with women, if you wish to really have true sisters, temple sisters, then I suggest a few things you can begin with.
  • Start with first writing down in you journal, or just a notebook, all the beliefs you have held onto regarding women, especially regarding women and men. This may take awhile but really take the time to probe inside and go deep. You may surprise yourself as to what you have ingested about women.

  • Write about not so wonderful experiences you have had with your girlfriends or other women. Like the time you were betrayed or your friend broke a date with you to be with a guy. All those things even if they were years ago. Just write them all out.

  • Write about how you betrayed someone or did not live up to being a true friend to a woman or girl friend. Tell the truth about yourself and be relentless as you really want to purge yourself of all of this baggage.

  • Then find a good friend and share all of this with them. Make this a little ceremony if you wish. Read it all to them and have them just be a witness to your process. They are not to make any comments, just listen and bear witness to your letting go of all the beliefs and stories about women that are no longer serving you.

  • Then rip out your pages and burn them as you both watch and really say as you are doing this, “I release, let go and forgive myself and any person who has caused me harm or who I have harmed.” You can make this as powerful for yourself as you desire. Remember our thoughts and words are a vibration that goes out into the yoni-verse and will return in kind, so really let this go.

  • Next, take some fresh paper and begin to write out your new beliefs. Write all the new ideas that you wish to hold in your mind about women, how you would like to create your new relationship with women. What does it feel like? Describe the way it will be when you have them, or how they will be even better than they are now.

  • List the qualities you want to embrace for yourself and the kind of relationships you wish to have.

  • List all the ways you are a sister to women, all the great things you have done, the ways you are a great friend and what you can offer to other women.

  • Write about what being a temple sister means to you and how you would like to share that idea with other women. Become the temple sister you wish all women to be. (If you wish to email some of these to me, I will be happy to post them on my School of Womyn’s Mysteries web site. Email to me at,

    Now lastly, share this with the same friend and create a beautiful ceremony for you to step into this new way of being. Even with her right there, if you want to, tell her how you will be a temple sister to her, recognizing that as you do so you are doing these things with all women everywhere.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

What is a temple sister?

For thousands of years women have been gathering in sacred circles to recognize the bond that unites them. It is this bond that goes deeper than women being friends or even being a “sister” that I am addressing.

Being in a woman's body is the bond that unites all women everywhere. It is because of our sex, having a "yoni", that we are deeply connected and bonded. The “yoni” and the symbol that represents this aspect of our bodies’, is one of the most ancient symbols for feminine power.

Throughout the many civilizations of Goddess based cultures, this symbol of feminine power has been used. There have been cults developed about the power of the “yoni” in Ancient India, and the flow of the “elixir of life” or amrita.

It is through our reclaiming our erotic innocence, and the innocence of our body that we reclaim the innocence of all women everywhere and step into our sisterhood and our authentic feminine power. It is through this portal which is the doorway into a woman’s full feminine power which we have denied or partially embodied that we as women unite in our Temple Sisterhood.

There is nothing you have to do to become a part of this sisterhood other than making a conscious decision that this bond between women is one that transcends the collective belief about women and their bodies. This bond rather than seeding more competition, jealousy and fear between women can unite us.

Some of the Qualities of a Temple Sister

  • She recognizes that because she has a woman’s body she is connected, bonded with all women everywhere.

  • She is a woman who is vibrantly alive and radiating her love.

  • She is dedicated to speaking the TRUTH in order to serve and reveal any illusion.

  • She knows who she is, and lives from this center point.

  • She loves, respects and honors herself and therefore loves, respects and honors other women.

  • She sees the priestess in all women.

  • She knows her mind but follows her heart.

  • She understands the power of her sex, has reclaimed her erotic innocence and fully expresses her sexuality authentically.

  • She lives in innocence and celebrates being a woman.

  • She loves her body no matter what shape, size, and age she is, and treats it as a Temple.

  • She is in her full glory and power as a woman.

She Is You!

Join the Temple Sisterhood Now! Go to: