Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Learning How to Be a Temple Sister

We often teach the things we are learning ourselves. And so I had my own learning experience yesterday with a temple sister of mine.

So I will back track here for a minute. A few weeks ago I was at a festival and was introduced by this sister to a man she had connected with. I did not at that time pick-up her interest in him as she has predominently been with women. This man and I seemed to have a connection, when we danced there was a spark that got ignited and alot of chemistry. For me, having not experienced anything like that for a very long time I went with it. I hung out with him intermittently during the day, and later he came back to my house with me.

I thought nothing of this as he felt more like an occassional lover/playmate and really nothing more. So last night when I saw my dear friend again, she told me how she had spent time with him during these past few weeks exploring the possibility of having a deeper relationship with him. She also shared how she was feeling very hurt by my actions, my insensitvity regarding my behavior the day I met him.

So here is it was in my face. I acted unconsciously in an earlier situation and my sister, dear friend was hurt by my actions. What was I to do? How could I let her know that I was truly sorry for causing her any pain and to let her know that her relationship was far more important to me that being with this guy.

I felt upset as well by my actions and so I spoke from my heart and told her my truth and then I apologized to her and took full responsibility for my actions. I realized that this man was not that important to me, and told her so, and let her know that if she decided to pursue him as partner I would gladly drop out. I told her that her friendship meant more to me than being with this guy. She accepted my apology and we hugged and that was that.

But this incident did ask me to look deeper into myself, to see if there was anything else operating that I was in denial about my actions. I realized that being a true Temple Sister, requires that I be ruthlessly honest with myself and that I may make mistakes, go unconscious and do something I will even regret, but that I am always responsible for those actions. I realized that I want to be the kind of woman that truly does honor and trust her women friends and will act accordingly if one of them was interested in a man I too wanted to be with or vice a versa.

I have to walk my talk as they say. Being a woman that can be trusted by other women, a woman who honors the feelings of other women and who values her women friends as much as she does her man. I want to be the kind of woman that really lives in sisterhood with other women.

Being a true Temple Sister isn't always easy, as it is a committment to yourself first and then to your women friends and to all women everywhere. You decide that women are important to women. It can be as simple as that.

This I see is the new paradigm that is being called for, and that I am creating by being willing to live in this way with my women friends, and I invite you to do the same.


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