Saturday, July 25, 2009

Trusting Each Other as Women

The question I have been pondering for many years is how do we learn to trust other women in a culture that has for the most part encouraged women to be competitive with each other.

I found that it took me many years to trust my girlfriends, especially when it came to boys, as my mother told me over and over again that I couldn't trust my girlfriends around my boyfriends. I heard it so many times that I began to create situations that would reinforce this message. I would feel very insecure when I would introduce a guy I liked to one of my girlfriends.

What helped me to overcome this belief and begin to trust women more was a friend of mine that demonstrated to me, that I could trust her around my boyfriends. She embodied what being a 'temple sister' was before I even knew what that meant. I would often feel that when she was present all the guys would notice her and forget about me, but this was really just my own negative self talk speaking. She never gave me cause to doubt her friendship and always reminded me that being a sister to me was a sacred thing that she would not betray. I felt so committed to healing this within myself that I continued to work on this area, but it has been partly because of her friendship that I was able to finally trust another woman. We are still friends today after 30+ years and we still have that bond of sisterhood between us.

I have been fortunate to have been connected to a community of women who feel like sisters, temple sisters so to speak and who treat each other with love, respect and trust. It is true that I am living in an area, Northern California, where the women in my community are very open-minded and sex positive. We tend to gather in groups and celebrate each other as women, playing and just hanging out with each other. What this has given to me is an opportunity to experience a type of sisterhood that I have never had. Even though I don't see these women often there is still a sense of connection at this level.

Some of us even try to model how to deal with jealousy and competition between us over a man. We at least are willing to talk about it openly without alot of negativity or blame if we can. We are not perfect and we are all still learning and growing but having been a part of this type of sisterhood definitely has allowed me to feel more trusting toward women.

I found that there is an unspoken understanding between us a code of behavior which many women adopt between friends, especially where it concerns men.All of this has helped me personally to become the kind of woman and sister/friend that I wish to have. I need to be the example in order myself first. Then I can call these women into my life with more ease.

You too can become a true sister, a temple sister with commitment and practice. Just begin to open yourself first to any wounding you may have had and be willing to let it go now. I have a few exercises you can do on my website if you need some suggestions on how to heal this area in your life.

If you are a woman who is longing to have deeply lasting and truly loving connections with other women, connections without competition, fear, distrust or jealousy than I invite you to come and join the Temple Sisterhood.

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