Friday, September 4, 2009

Competition Between Women

The question of how do women create new ways of being with each other is an on going one. For me it is putting my women friends first in my life, that is to say, I continue to see my friends as equally as valuable as my primary male partner, if I have one.

It is unfortunate that our culture has fostered the competition between women and that women themselves often find it hard to trust other women especially when it comes to men. It seems that what really causes us to react to these types of situations is our primal need factor. This primal urge to be protected by a man, to be provided for, is often what is running the show even though we may not be aware of it. We have been accepting this need and acting it out for so long, that is has become our norm and so we just accept that this is how women are.

But does this have to be the way it is? No I believe it doesn't. We are more than just our primal instinctual urges. Maybe it was a necessity to have a man provide and take care of us thousands of years ago, but today we know that women are very capable of taking care of themselves. That choosing a mate is not solely based on needing food, shelter and protection. And yet many women still beleive that this is so and operate from that prime directive. So where do we go from here?

The idea that women can truly release and no longer choose to be run by the need to compete with other women for a man, or to keep him is an idea whose time has come. I believe that by choosing to be a true sister, a temple sister to another woman we are choosing to create a new paradigm. Of course we have to practice being a temple sister first with our close friends. We have to embody the qualities that supports that consciousness. You can actually see some of the qualties to embody and practice at: .

In many cultures and societies women have always known that part of their power lies within their relationships with other women. What is new is that now is the time to really let go of the old programming of distrust. I know that for myself, and I am someone who truly loves and appreicates my women friends, that somewhere deep inside is a feeling that someone prettier, younger or whatever is not to be entirely trusted. Most of the time this isn't an issue, but I know that this feeling is there and if I have this feeling then other women do too.

The new paradigm I speak of is a movement that starts from within ourselves first and so the work must be done on a personal level. From this place of healing ourselves we then reach out to other women, we can behave differently, we can respond and be with whatever situation arises in a more conscious and loving way. We can learn to treat each other the way we wish to be treated.

There is no quick fix to creating a new way of being with women. Each of us must first committ to being the kind of woman/sister we want others to be for us. To end competition between us over a man we must first be willing to acknowledge that these feelings exist and secondly confront our fears and deal with them. We must also be aware that this is a very old pattern that has been held in place by the prevailing male dominant values that exist. And so our healing can only take place when we are willing to break free of these patterns and step into something new.

I invite all of you to go to: and sign-up for the free membership as a Temple Sister and become apart of this new movement.

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